Browsing by Subject "Betula pubescens"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Abedul: Especial para contrachapado
([s.n.], 2006) -
(Forestry Commission, 1985) -
Crop plans and yield predictions for norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula ...
(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1994) -
Forest management tables
(Forestry Commission, 1966) -
Graines des feuillus forestiers de la récolte au semis
(INRA, 1994) -
Le bouleau en Scandinavie: une essence dávenir
(AFOCEL, 1996) -
The silviculture of trees used in british forestry
(CAB International Silverplatter Information, 1991)