Now showing items 1-7 of 7
East Texas harvest and utilization study, 2008
(USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 2009)In 2008, a harvest and utilization study was conducted on 80 operations throughout eastern Texas. There were 2,024 total trees measured: 1,335 or 66 percent were softwood, while 689 or 34 ... -
Fluctuations in national forest timber harvest and removals: The southern regional perspective
(USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 2009)Here, we examine fluctuations in timber harvest and removals on National Forest System (NFS) lands of the Southern Region in light of changing societal values and administrative policies. We ... -
North Carolina harvest and utilization study, 2007
(USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 2010) -
Propuestas de manejo de bosques y para el aprovechamiento de productos de diámetros pequeños, provenientes ...
(INFOR, 2012)En marco del componente "Fortalecimiento de las capacidades para el manejo de los bosques y desarrollo de la industria forestal en las zonas frías patagónicas", cuyo convenio lo dirigen CORFO ... -
Proyecto Bicentenario Mi biblioteca del Bosque Nativo. Regeneración cortas y cosecha
(INFOR, 2009)Dossier que entrega información fundamental sobre tres procesos relevantes de la Silvicultura en el Bosque Nativo de Chile, como son la Regeneración, las Cortas Intermedias y las Cortas de ... -
Virginia harvest and utilization study, 2007
(USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 2009)In 2007, a harvest and utilization study was conducted on 81 operations throughout Virginia. There were 2,016 total trees measured; 1,086 or 54 percent were softwood, while 930 or 46 percent ...