Browsing by Author "Estades Marfán, Cristián"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Bases para la evaluación del impacto de la silvicultura en las comunidades de aves
Estades Marfán, Cristián ([s.n.], 1994) -
Birds in coastal wetlands of Chile
Estades Marfán, Cristián; Vukasovic, María Angélica; Aguirre, Juan (Springer International Publishing, 2017)Between the extreme north of Chile and the island of Chiloe, there are approximately 300 coastal wetlands. Among them, there are estuaries where the larg-est waterfowl populations ... -
Causes of admission to a rehabilitation center for andean condors (vultur gryphus) in Chile
Pavezi, Eduardo; Estades Marfán, Cristián (Raptor Research Foundation, 2016)Causes of admission to rehabilitation centers can provide valuable information about factors that cause mortality in the wild. We studied causes of admission to a rehabilitation center for 108 ... -
Conservation status of the Chilean Woodstar Eulidia yarrellii
Aguirre, Juan; Escobar, Martín A. H.; Tomasevic Vukasovic, Jorge; Vukasovic, Maria Angelica; Tala, Charif; Estades Marfán, Cristián (2007)We assessed the conservation status of the Chilean Woodstar Eulidia yarrellii, a small hummingbird endemic to a few desert valleys of northern Chile and southern Peru. Although no population ... -
Daily Movements of Non-Breeding Yellow-billed Pintails (Anas georgica) in Central Chile
Estades Marfán, Cristián; Thomson, Roberto F.; Vukasovic, Angélica; Acuña, M. Paz (Waterbird Soc., 2020)Between January-August 2017, the movements of 18 individual Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica) were studied after capture at the Carampangue wetland in Central Chile and equipped with GPS ... -
Detailed dynamic land cover mapping of Chile: Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data
Zhao, Yuanyuan; Feng, Duole; Yu, Le; Wang, Xiaoyi; Chen, Yanlei; Bai, Yuqi; Hernández Palma, Héctor; Galleguillos Torres, Mauricio; Estades Marfán, Cristián; Biging, Gregory; Radke, John; Gong, Peng (Elsevier, 2016)Stretching over 4300 km north to south, Chile is a special country with complicated landscapes and rich biodiversity. Accurate and timely updated land cover map of Chile in detailed classification ... -
Diffusive dispersal in a growing ungulate population: guanaco expansion beyond the limits of protected areas
Iranzo, Esperanza C.; Acebes, Pablo; Estades Marfán, Cristián; González Pérez, Benito; Mata, Cristina; Malo, Juan E.; Traba, Juan (Springer, 2018)Growth of wild ungulate populations within protected areas can cause an expansion towards surrounding non-protected areas and lead to conflicts with human activities. The spatial and demographic ... -
Does Environmental Heterogeneity Promote Cognitive Abilities?
González Gómez, Paulina L.; Razeto Barry, Pablo; Araya Salas, Marcelo; Estades Marfán, Cristián (Elsevier, 2015)In the context of global change the possible loss of biodiversity has been identified as a major concern. Biodiversity could be seriously threatened as a direct consequence of changes in ... -
Efecto de la estructura de plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don sobre su calidad como hábitat para ...
Pérez Pérez, Mauricio Francisco (Universidad de Chile, 2004) -
Efecto de la senescencia del arbolado urbano en la presencia de carpinteritos (Veniliornis lignarius) ...
Vieytes Pereira, Diego Eduardo (Universidad de Chile, 2017)La creciente expansión de la población urbana ha implicado en una fuerte presión de esta sobre los distintos componentes del medioambiente, especialmente del medio biótico, restringiendo y ... -
Efecto de los caminos y desechos forestales en el movimiento del coleóptero caminador, Parhypates ...
Díaz Pérez, Marcelo Antonio (Universidad de Chile, 2006)La fragmentación del hábitat es un proceso de pérdida de superficie de un hábitat originalmente continuo, generando un gran número de remanentes de menor tamaño aislados entre sí. Este ... -
Efecto Selectivo de las Plantaciones de Pino Radiata (Pinus radiata D. Don) Sobre la Comunidad de ...
Escobar Cuadros, Martín A.H. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Programa Cybertesis, 2008)Uno de los mayores efectos de la actividad antrópica en Chile central ha sido la transformación de vegetación natural en plantaciones forestales de Pinus radiata. Sin embargo, el conocimiento ... -
Efecto Selectivo de las Plantaciones de Pino Radiata (Pinus radiata D. Don) Sobre la Comunidad de ...
Escobar Cuadros, Martín A.H. (Universidad de Chile, 2008)Uno de los mayores efectos de la actividad antrópica en Chile central ha sido la transformación de vegetación natural en plantaciones forestales de Pinus radiata. Sin embargo, el conocimiento ... -
Effect of Clearcutting Operations on the Survival Rate of a Small Mammal
Escobar, Martín A. H.; Uribe, Sandra V.; Chiappe, Romina; Estades Marfán, Cristián (Cross Mark, 2015)Clearcutting is a common timber harvesting technique that represents a significant and abrupt change in habitat conditions for wildlife living in industrial forests. Most research on this type ... -
Effect of connectivity and habitat availability on the occurrence of the Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet ...
Hernández Palma, Héctor; Estades Marfán, Cristián; Castillo Armijo, Matías (Springer, 2018-07)Although small isolated habitat patches may not be able to maintain a minimum viable population, small patches that are structurally isolated may be functionally connected if individuals can ... -
Effects of the structure of pine plantations on their "softness" as barriers for ground-dwelling forest ...
Tomasevic Vukasovic, Jorge; Estades Marfán, Cristián (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008-03-20)Fragmentation combined with habitat loss can affect population persistence mainly by isolating habitat fragments. However, this isolation depends, in part, on the species’ perception of the ... -
Evaluación del uso de refugios artificiales para micromamíferos y reptiles en la Quebrada de la Plata, ...
Uribe Miranda, Sandra Verónica (Universidad de Chile, 2007)La zona central de Chile presenta serios problemas de conservación debido a una fuerte presión antrópica que ha generado pérdida de hábitat; ésta a su vez, ha provocado disminuciones de las ... -
Impacto de la sustitución del bosque natural por plantaciones de Pinus radiata sobre una comunidad de ...
Estades Marfán, Cristián ([s.n.], 1994) -
Is human disturbance causing differential preference of agricultural landscapes by taruka and feral ...
Fuentes Allende, Nicolás; Vielma, André; Paulsen, Katheryne; Arredondo, Cristóbal; Corti, Paulo; Estades Marfán, Cristián; González, Benito A. (Elsevier, 2016)Areas with high shrub and grass cover are scarce and important for arid-land ungulates. Unfortunately, agricultural activities are often concentrated in such areas causing ungulates either to ... -
Low habitat overlap at landscape scale between wild camelids and feral donkeys in the Chilean desert
Malo, Juan E.; González Pérez, Benito; Mata, Cristina; Vielma, Andre; Donoso, Denise S; Fuentes, Nicolás; Estades Marfán, Cristián (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016)Feral domestic ungulates may compete with the populations of wild herbivores with which they coexist, particularly so in arid regions. The potential competition between wild camelids and feral ...