Browsing by Author "Haywood, J.D."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Effectiveness of glyphosate mixed with soil-active herbicides
Haywood, J.D.; Melder, T.W. (USDA Forest Service. Southern Forest Experiment Station, 1991)Broadcasting mixtures of glyphosate and soil-active herbicides over loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings may control established weeds and emerging weed seedlings better than either ... -
Long-term response of undersory vegetation on a highly erosive Louisiana soil to fertilization
Haywood, J.D.; Thill, R.E. (USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 1995)Responses of vegetation on highly eroded Kisatchie soils to a broadcast application of 600 lb/acre of 16-30-l 3 granular fertilizer were monitored for 12 years. Understory woody and herbaceous ... -
Proceedings of the tenth biennial southern silvicultural research conference
Biennial southern silvicultural conference, 10 (USA, Shreveport, Louisianana : 16-18 Feb 1999); Haywood, J.D. (USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 1999)One hundred and twenty-two papers and three poster summaries address a range of issues affecting southern forests. Papers are grouped in 15 sessions that included upland hardwoods, intensive ... -
Releasing loblolly and slash pines with liquid herbicides
Haywood, J.D. (USDA Forest Service. Southern Forest Experiment Station, 1995)