Browsing by Author "Koch, Peter"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Incidence of compression wood and stem eccentricity in lodgepole pine of North America
Koch, Peter; Côté, Wilfred A.; Day, A.C.; Schlieter, J. (USDA Forest Service. Intermountain Research Station, 1990)Trees 76 mm d.b.h. had higher stem-average percentage of compression wood than those 152 mm or 228 mm d.b.h. Latifolia had less compression wood (5.5 percent) than murrayana (7.7 percent). In ... -
Managing lodgepole pine to yield merchantable thinning products and attain sawtimber rotations
Cole, D.M.; Koch, Peter (USDA Forest Service. Intermountain Research Station, 1995)This paper suggests solutions for a longstanding problem in managing lodgepole pine forests -- that of managing individual stands to reach their planned rotation age, despite serious hazard ... -
Proposed wood products plant to utilize sub-sawlog size and lodgepole pine in Northwestern Montana: a ...
Koch, Peter; Brown, Darrell L.; Burke, Edwin J.; Keegan, Charles E (USDA Forest Service. Intermountain Research Station, 1989) -
Spiral grain and annual ring width in natural unthinned stands of lodgepole pine in North America
Koch, Peter; Schlieter, J. (USDA Forest Service. Intermountain Research Station, 1991) -
Utilization of hardwoods growing on southern pine sites
Koch, Peter (USDA Forest Service, 1985) -
Utilization of the southern pines
Koch, Peter (USDA Forest Service, 1972) -
Wood machining processes
Koch, Peter (The Roland Press Co, 1964)