Browsing Recursos externos by Title
Now showing items 2584-2603 of 3056
Quality and sustainability indicators of the prefabricated wood housing industry—a chilean case study
(MDPI, 2021)Wood industrialization provides a contribution to timber-based building. The Chilean market is based on attributes such as the experience and trust of companies. The sales price, meeting deadlines ... -
Quantitative analysis of forest fire extinction efficiency
(INIA, 2015)Aim of study: Evaluate the economic extinction efficiency of forest fires, based on the study of fire combat undertaken by aerial and terrestrial means. Area of study, materials and methods: ... -
Range-wide genetic structure in the thorn-tailed rayadito suggests limited gene flow towards peripheral ...
(Nature, 2020)Understanding the population genetic consequences of habitat heterogeneity requires assessing whether patterns of gene flow correspond to landscape configuration. Studies of the genetic structure ... -
Recent advances in magnetic nanoparticles and nanocomposites for the remediation of water resources
(MDPI, 2020)Water resources are of extreme importance for both human society and the environment. However, human activity has increasingly resulted in the contamination of these resources with a wide ... -
Recopilación de antecedentes sobre insectos asociados a nothofagus alpina (poepp. et endl.) oerst. ...
(Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Departamento de Silvicultura., 1998)El éxito de las iniciativas de manejo de N.alpina y N.obliqua, dependerá del nivel de conocimientos que se tenga sobre todos los aspectos que de alguna manera afectan el desarrollo de los ...