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Now showing items 268-287 of 3056
Assessing floristic representativeness in the protected areas national system of Chile: are vegetation ...
(Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016)Conservation planning relies heavily on representativeness patterns. In Chile, this has not been assessed at the species level. This study evaluates floristic representativeness in the National ... -
Assessing habitat loss and fragmentation and their effects on population viability of forest specialist ...
(Wiley, 2018-06)Aim: Biogeographic approaches usually have been developed apart from population ecology, resulting in predictive models without key parameters needed to account for reproductive and behavioural ... -
Assessing land surface phenology in Araucaria-Nothofagus forests in Chile with Landsat 8/Sentinel 2 ...
(Elsevier, 2022)include red-listed species and have a high cultural importance for the ancestral population and thus require continuous monitoring to support conservation. Monitoring of phenology by satellite ... -
Assessing reservoir performance under climate change. When is it going to be too late If current water ...
(MDPI, 2021)Climate change is modifying the way we design and operate water infrastructure, including reservoirs. A particular issue is that current infrastructure and reservoir management rules will ... -
Assessing the value of species: a case study on the willingness to pay for species protection in Chile
(Springer, 2013)We conduct a valuation of species protection in central Chile's Campana National Park (CNP) using the choice experiment (CE) method. The CNP has been recognized as having global relevance ... -
Assessing visitors' preferences for ecosystem features in a desert biodiversity hotspot
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)We estimated visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) for a variety of environmental attributes in a protected area of the Atacama Desert, a biodiversity hotspot in northern Chile. By using a choice ... -
Assessment of the occurrence of forest fires in pandemic period by COVID-19 in Chile. Preliminary backgrounds
(MDPI, 2021)The spatial and temporal behavior of the occurrence of forest fires in Chile was evaluated in the presence of COVID-19 and mobility restrictions. The fire period from 2015–2016 to 2020–2021 was ... -
Asterid phylogenomics/phylotranscriptomics uncover morphological evolutionary histories and support ...
(Oxford, 2020)Asterids are one of the most successful angiosperm lineages, exhibiting extensive morphological diversity and including a number of important crops. Despite their biological prominence and ... -
Autenticación de origen filogeográfico de plántulas de araucaria araucana mediante la aplicación de ...
(Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales., 2021)El origen de plántulas es un factor importante para el éxito de programas de restauración, de ser inadecuado puede tener impactos negativos sobre la biodiversidad, por lo que la trazabilidad ... -
Autovaloración de escolares de escuelas comunes con proyectos de integración escolar y de escuelas especiales.
(Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Psicología., 2008)Es un estudio comparativo del autoconcepto, con un diseño descriptivo correlacional, sobre una muestra de 120 escolares con discapacidad o retardo mental leve de 12 a 18 años, 60 participantes ... -
Avances en la elaboración de propuestas de restauración a escala de cuencas en la provincia del Ranco, Fase 2
(INFOR, 2017)El año 2016, en el contexto del proyecto de “Forestación Sustentable y Manejo Integrado de Cuencas Etapa 2”, que ejecuta la Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) en la Provincia del Ranco, ... -
Avian species richness in cities: a review of the Spanish-language literature from the Southern Cone ...
(Springer, 2021)South America sustains an important part of the world's terrestrial biodiversity and its population is highly urbanized. Global syntheses have revealed a paucity of urban ecological research ... -
Áreas potenciales para la aplicación de biosólidos en plantaciones forestales de la VI Región de Chile.
(Universidad de Chile, 2005)