Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Genomic analysis of the domestication and post-Spanish conquest evolution of the llama and alpaca 

      Fan, Ruiwen; Gu, Zhongru; Guang, Xuanmin; Marín, Juan Carlos; Varas, Valeria; González Pérez, Benito; Wheeler, Jane C.; Hu, Yafei; Li, Elri; Sun, Xiaohui; Yang, Xukui; Zhang, Chi; Gao, Wenjun; He, Junping; Munch, Kasper; Corbett-Detig, Russel; Barbato, Mario; Pan, Shengkai; Zhan, Xiangjiang; Bruford, Michael W.; Dong, Changsheng (BMC, 2020)
      Background Despite their regional economic importance and being increasingly reared globally, the origins and evolution of the llama and alpaca remain poorly understood. Here we report reference ...
    • Systematics, taxonomy and domestication of alpaca and llama: new chromosomal and molecular evidence 

      Marín, Juan C.; Zapata, Beatriz; González, Benito; Bonacic, Cristian; Wheeler, Jane C.; Casey, Ciara; Bruford, Michael W.; Palma, R. Eduardo; Poulin, Elie; Alliende Rodríguez, María Angélica; Spotorno Oyarzún, Ángel (2007)
      Four camelid species exist in South America: two wild, the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the vicuna (Victigna vicugna), and two domestic, the alpaca (Lama pacos) and the llama (Lama glama). ...