Browsing Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales by Title
Now showing items 358-377 of 520
La comunidad de Mata de Limón, Pacífico central de Costa Rica y la extracción de colonchos Callichirus ...
(Univ Católica de Valparaíso, 2015)En el presente estudio, se realizaron visitas mensuales a la comunidad de Mata de Limón (diciembre 2011 a noviembre 2012) localizada en el Pacífico central de Costa Rica para evaluar una serie ... -
La experiencia de mediería en la Reserva Nacional Malleco, temporada 2006-2007, y su evaluación como ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2010)La presente memoria refleja las vivencias del autor en el proceso de licitación y posterior desarrollo de una faena de aprovechamiento y manejo forestal en la Reserva Nacional Malleco, temporada ... -
La percepción de los propietarios de la localidad de El Escudo IX Región, frente a la sustentabilidad ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2004) -
Leaf litter hides post-dispersed seeds from invasive alien removers in a sclerophyll forest in central Chile
(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, España, 2020)Aim of study: Seed removal may be a determining filter for regeneration. Factors such as leaf litter, tree cover and seed density affect seed removal. This aims to assess three aspects involving ... -
Leaf micromorphology and anatomy of Myrceugenia rufa (Myrtaceae). An endemic coastal shrub of north-central ...
(Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción, 2015)Species of fleshy-fruited Myrtaceae are generally associated with humid environments and their vegetative anatomy is mainly mesophytic. Myrceugenia rufa is an endemic and rare species from ... -
Legume living mulch for afforestation in agricultural land in Southern Spain
(ELSEVIER, 2009)Weed control is essential for a successful establishment and growth of tree seedlings in former agricultural land. Weed control methods are effective but can be costly in terms of time, damage ... -
Limitaciones difusionales y bioquímicas a la fotosíntesis en tres especies del bosque esclerófilo
(Universidad de Chile, 2013)Las condiciones ambientales de crecimiento para las especies del bosque esclerófilo están sujetas a amplias variaciones durante el año, con marcada estacionalidad en relación al monto de las ... -
Limits to reproduction and seed size-number tradeoffs that shape forest dominance and future recovery
(Nature, 2022)The relationships that control seed production in trees are key to understand evolutionary pressures that have shaped forests. A global synthesis of fecundity data reveals that while seed ... -
Lineamientos Básicos de una Estrategia Municipal de Desarrollo Forestal para Pequeños Propietarios de ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2008) -
Lineamientos para el manejo de los residuos sólidos (basuras) presentes en un área silvestre protegida: ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2005) -
Linking above-ground biomass production to below-ground carbon fluxes across stocking, clone, ...
(Elsevier, 2020)The linkage between above-ground biomass production and below-ground carbon fluxes as influenced by silviculture has been insufficiently studied. We tested the effects of stocking, clone, ... -
Linking socioeconomics to biodiversity in the city: the case of a migrant keystone bird species
(Frontiers Media, 2022)Billions of wild animals migrate every year between breeding and non-breeding sites, facing new environmental conditions due to anthropogenic change. Although cities engender profound environmental ... -
Litter removal in a sclerophyll forest: short- and medium-term consequences for soil properties
(Soil Science Society of America, 2014)Litter extraction (LE) is a common practice in many forests of the world. This process can cause long-term depletion of C substrates, thereby affecting ecosystem balances. The effects of LE ... -
Los géneros de Heli otropiaceae en Argentina
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2017)La delimitación genérica dentro de Heliotropiaceae ha sufrido cambios en el último tiempo que no son recogidos en publicaciones taxonómicas recientes sobre el grupo en Argentina. En este trabajo ... -
Los sistemas de producción con plantaciones de álamo de pequeños propietarios y la demanda de innovación ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2006) -
Low habitat overlap at landscape scale between wild camelids and feral donkeys in the Chilean desert
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016)Feral domestic ungulates may compete with the populations of wild herbivores with which they coexist, particularly so in arid regions. The potential competition between wild camelids and feral ... -
Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in an Introduced Island Population of Guanacos after Seven Decades ...
(2014)Fifteen guanacos were introduced to Staats Island in the Falklands/Malvinas archipelago from Patagonia in the 1930s. Twenty five years later, the population was culled from 300 to 10–20 ... -
Major lineages of Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae diversified during the Andean uplift
(Academic Press, 2019)The Loasoideae is the largest clade in the Loasaceae. This subfamily is widespread throughout the Neotropics and centered in the Andes, presenting an excellent opportunity to study diversification ... -
Manejo y estado del arbolado urbano de la Comuna de la Reina, desde la perspectiva de sus habitantes.
(Universidad de Chile, 2006) -
Marco legislativo para la gestión de sedimentos en los Estados Unidos
(Univ. Politécnica Valencia, Editorial UPV, 2018-04-30)La erosión de sedimentos es un problema serio, con aproximadamente 75 000 millones de toneladas de suelo erosionadas anualmente en todo el mundo (Pimentel y Kounang, 1998). Aunque la erosión ...