Browsing Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales by Title
Now showing items 374-393 of 520
Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in an Introduced Island Population of Guanacos after Seven Decades ...
(2014)Fifteen guanacos were introduced to Staats Island in the Falklands/Malvinas archipelago from Patagonia in the 1930s. Twenty five years later, the population was culled from 300 to 10–20 ... -
Major lineages of Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae diversified during the Andean uplift
(Academic Press, 2019)The Loasoideae is the largest clade in the Loasaceae. This subfamily is widespread throughout the Neotropics and centered in the Andes, presenting an excellent opportunity to study diversification ... -
Manejo y estado del arbolado urbano de la Comuna de la Reina, desde la perspectiva de sus habitantes.
(Universidad de Chile, 2006) -
Marco legislativo para la gestión de sedimentos en los Estados Unidos
(Univ. Politécnica Valencia, Editorial UPV, 2018-04-30)La erosión de sedimentos es un problema serio, con aproximadamente 75 000 millones de toneladas de suelo erosionadas anualmente en todo el mundo (Pimentel y Kounang, 1998). Aunque la erosión ... -
Medios de cultivo liquidos para el desarrollo de inoculos de hongos de pudrición blanca aplicables en ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2006) -
Mesophyll conductance constrains photosynthesis in three common sclerophyllous species in Central Chile
(Springer, 2014)Background: Quillaja saponaria Mol., Cryptocarya alba Mol. Looser, and Lithraea caustica Molina Hook et Arn., are common sclerophyllous species in Mediterranean Central Chile. Mesophyll ... -
Meteorological Characterization of Large Daily Flows in a High-Relief Ungauged Basin Using Principal ...
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2019)Decision making and hydrologic design for coping with floods are complex tasks in poorly gauged high-relief basins. The response of such basins is driven by precipitation and temperature, which ... -
Metodología de evaluación de infraestructuras críticas en zonas de riesgo de incendios forestales.
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Conservación de la Naturaleza, 2020) -
Modelación de la distribución de especies y ecosistemas en el tiempo y en el espacio: Una revisión de ...
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2011)Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el marco conceptual y metodológico en que se desarrollan las técnicas de modelos de distribución para especies y ecosistemas. ... -
Modeling forest biomass using Very-High-Resolution data - Combining textural, spectral and photogrammetric ...
(Italian Society of Remote Sensing, 2015)We used spectral, textural and photogrammetric information from very-high resolution (VHR) stereo satellite data (Pleiades and WorldView-2) to estimate forest biomass across two test sites ... -
Molecular delimitations in the Ehretiaceae (Boraginales)
(Elsevier, 2014)Major taxa of Ehretiaceae (including parasitic Lennoaceae) have not all been included in previous molecular phylogenetic analyses. As a result, the generic limits and their circumscriptions ... -
Monitoring biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in N and P-limited radiata pine using plant ...
(Elsevier, 2020)The prediction of carbon uptake by forests across fertility gradients requires accurate characterisation of how biochemical limitations to photosynthesis respond to variation in key elements ... -
Multiple origins for Hound’s tongues (Cynoglossum L.) and Navel seeds (Omphalodes Mill.) – The phylogeny ...
(Elsevier, 2013)Recent studies all indicated that both the affinities and subdivision of Boraginaceae s.str. are unsatisfactorily resolved. Major open issues are the placement and affinities of Boraginaceae ... -
Native or exotic plantations: Thoughts about the environmental impacts in Chile Plantaciones nativas ...
(Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia, 2020) -
Natural advance regeneration of native tree species in pinus radiata plantations of South-Central Chile ...
(Springer, 2021)Restoration of natural forests previously replaced by plantations is a widespread challenge for forestry in Chile and elsewhere. However, there is little documented evidence for successful ... -
Natural history and conservation of the nurse frog of the Serrania del perija Allobates ignotus ...
(Firenze University Press, 2018-06)We describe new findings on the geographic distribution, habitat uses, relative abundance, tadpoles, and advertisement call of Allobates ignotus. Data of habitat uses and relative abundance ... -
Niche Segregation between Wild and Domestic Herbivores in Chilean Patagonia
(PLoS ONE, 2013)Competition arises when two co-occuring species share a limiting resource. Potential for competition is higher when species have coexisted for a short time, as it is the case for herbivores ... -
Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and influence on morphology ...
(Springer, 2020)Achieving successful outplanting of trees on increasingly harsher sites is a global concern. In Chile, for example, new Eucalyptus globulus plantations are being targeted to poorer, low fertility ... -
Non-market economic valuation of the benefits provided by temperate ecosystems at the extreme south ...
(Springer-Verlag, 2014)The island of Navarino, Chile, located at the extreme southern end of the Americas, is one of the few regions in the world with undivided and only slightly transformed temperate forests. ... -
Notas sobre la variación de briófitas entre un bosque pantanoso de Amomyrtus luma y una pradera ...
(Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2020)The bryophyte richness was evaluated in the understory of a swamp forest of Amomyrtus luma and an anthropogenic wet prairie of Juncus procerus. Bryophyte richness, and growth and life forms ...