Browsing Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales by Title
Now showing items 387-406 of 520
Native or exotic plantations: Thoughts about the environmental impacts in Chile Plantaciones nativas ...
(Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia, 2020) -
Natural advance regeneration of native tree species in pinus radiata plantations of South-Central Chile ...
(Springer, 2021)Restoration of natural forests previously replaced by plantations is a widespread challenge for forestry in Chile and elsewhere. However, there is little documented evidence for successful ... -
Natural history and conservation of the nurse frog of the Serrania del perija Allobates ignotus ...
(Firenze University Press, 2018-06)We describe new findings on the geographic distribution, habitat uses, relative abundance, tadpoles, and advertisement call of Allobates ignotus. Data of habitat uses and relative abundance ... -
Niche Segregation between Wild and Domestic Herbivores in Chilean Patagonia
(PLoS ONE, 2013)Competition arises when two co-occuring species share a limiting resource. Potential for competition is higher when species have coexisted for a short time, as it is the case for herbivores ... -
Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and influence on morphology ...
(Springer, 2020)Achieving successful outplanting of trees on increasingly harsher sites is a global concern. In Chile, for example, new Eucalyptus globulus plantations are being targeted to poorer, low fertility ... -
Non-market economic valuation of the benefits provided by temperate ecosystems at the extreme south ...
(Springer-Verlag, 2014)The island of Navarino, Chile, located at the extreme southern end of the Americas, is one of the few regions in the world with undivided and only slightly transformed temperate forests. ... -
Notas sobre la variación de briófitas entre un bosque pantanoso de Amomyrtus luma y una pradera ...
(Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2020)The bryophyte richness was evaluated in the understory of a swamp forest of Amomyrtus luma and an anthropogenic wet prairie of Juncus procerus. Bryophyte richness, and growth and life forms ... -
Notes on the genus Ophryosporus (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae) in Chile
(Pensoft Publishers, 2020)Ophryosporus Meyen is reviewed for Chile and an updated species list for the country based on herbarium records and literature review is presented. A key to the Chilean species is provided and ... -
Notes on the variation of bryophytes between a swamp forest dominated by amomyrtus luma and an ...
(Universidad de Concepcion, 2020) -
Outplanting performance of three provenances of Quillaja saponaria Mol. established in a mediterranean ...
(SISEF-Soc Italiana Selvicoltura Ecol Forestale, 2020)In degraded environments with restricted seed availability, like those burned by wildfires in central Chile during 2017, the use of plant material from outside its area of origin for restoration ... -
Participación ciudadana en la evaluación ambiental de proyectos relacionados al sector forestal entre ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2011)La presente memoria de título tiene como propósito analizar la participación ciudadana en la evaluación ambiental de 6 proyectos seleccionados, ingresados al Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto ... -
Past and recent effects of livestock activity on the genetic diversity and population structure of ...
(MDPI, 2021)Extensive livestock production and urbanization entail modifications of natural landscapes, including installation of fences, development of agriculture, urbanization of natural areas, ... -
Perfiles proteicos de estados de desarrollo de Gonipterus scutellatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
(2007)En 1998 se detectó en Chile al gorgojo del eucalipto, Gonipterus scutellatus (Gyllenhal, 1833) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), uno de los principales defoliadores del género Eucalyptus, que causa ... -
(UNIV BIO-BIO, WOOD ENGINEERING DEPT, 2008)Las placas de perforación son aberturas que se encuentran ubicadas en los extremos de los elementos vasos, permitiendo el paso de fl uidos de un vaso a otro en dirección longitudinal. Existen ... -
Pheromone inhibitors for Pandemis pyrusana males (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae)
(2007)A grease matrix was loaded with pheromone components for Pandenmis pyrusana and Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), two synchronic and sympatric species affecting apple orchards ... -
Phylogenetic relationships and generic re-arrangements in "South Andean Loasas" (Loasaceae)
(Int Assoc Plant Taxonomy, 2017-04)Loasaceae, a mostly American group, is one of the largest families of Cornales. In spite of considerable progress over the last 20 years, the relationships of some clades remain controversial, ... -
Phylogenetic relationships and generic reassessment of Proustia and allies (Compositae: Nassauvieae)
(International Association for Plant Taxonomy, 2018)Proustia is a small southern Andean genus of shrubs, vines and small trees, which are characteristic elements of Chilean and Argentine Andean forests, thickets and desert scrubs. Since Proustia ... -
Phylogeny and evolution of achenial trichomes in the Lucilia group ( Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae ) and ...
(International Association for Plant Taxonomy, 2017)The Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae) are a cosmopolitan tribe with around 185 genera and 2000 species. The New World is one of the centers of diversity of the tribe with 24 genera and over 100 species, ... -
Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Hydrophyllaceae and Namaceae, with a special reference to ...
(Taylor & Fracis, 2020)This study aimed to examine the systematic position of South American species ofPhacelia(Hydrophyllaceae) andWigandia(Namaceae) and the historical biogeography of Hydrophyllaceae and Namaceae ... -
Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Lithospermeae (Boraginaceae): Disentangling the possible ...
(Academic Press, 2019)Studies about the drivers of angiosperm clade diversifications have revealed how the environment continuously alters the species chances to adapt or to go extinct. This process depends on ...