Now showing items 487-506 of 520

    • Taxonomic and biogeographical status of guanaco Lama guanicoe (Artiodactyla, Camelidae) 

      González, Benito; Palma, R. Eduardo; Zapata, Beatriz; Marín, Juan C. (BLACKWELL, 2006-04)
      1. We review the status of the four currently recognized guanaco Lama guanicoe subspecies, and provide information about their taxonomy and distribution. The success of guanaco in inhabiting ...
    • Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact 

      Grace, Molly K.; Akçakaya, H. Resit; Bennett, Elizabeth L.; Brooks, Thomas M.; Heath, Anna; Hedges, Simón; Hilton Taylor, Craig; Hoffmann, Michael; Hochkirch, Axel; Jenkins, Richard; Keith, David A.; Long, Barney; Mallon, David P.; Meijaard, Erik; Milner Gulland, E. J.; Rodríguez, Jon Paul; Stephenson, P. J.; Stuart, Simón N; Young, Richard P.; Acebes, Pablo; Alfaro Shigueto, Joanna; Álvarez Clare, Silvia; Andriantsimanarilafy, Raphali Rodlis; Arbetman, Marina; Azat, Claudio; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Badola, Ruchi; Barcelos, Luis M. D.; Barreiros, Joao Pedro; Basak, Sayanti; Berger, Danielle J.; Bhattacharyya, Sabuj; Bino, Gilad; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Boughton, Raoul K.; Brockmann, H. Jane; Buckley, Hannah L.; Burfield, Ian J.; Burton, James; Camacho Badani, Teresa; Cano Alonso, Luis Santiago; Carmichael, Ruth H.; Carrero, Christina; Carroll, John P.; Catsadorakis, Giorgos; Chapple, David G.; Chapron, Guillaume; Chowdhury, Gawsia Wahidunnessa; Claassens, Louw; Cogoni, Donatella; Constantine, Rochelle; Craig, Christie Anne; Cunningham, Andrew A.; Dahal, Nishma; Daltry, Jennifer C.; Das, Goura Chandra; Dasgupta, Niladri; Davey, Alexandra; Davies, Katharine; Develey, Pedro; Elangovan, Vanitha; Fairclough, David; Di Febbraro, Mirko; Fenu, Giuseppe; Fernandes, Fernando Moreira; Fernández, Eduardo Pinheiro; Finucci, Brittany; Földesi, Rita; Foley, Catherine M.; Ford, Matthew; Forstner, Michael R. J.; García, Néstor; García Sandoval, Ricardo; Gardner, Penny C.; Garibay Orijel, Roberto; Gatan Balbas, Marites; Gauto, Irene; Ullah Ghazi, Mirza Ghazanfar; Godfrey, Stephanie S.; Gollock, Matthew; González Pérez, Benito Alejandro; Grant, Tandora D.; Gray, Thomas; Gregory, Andrew J.; Van Grunsven, Roy H. A.; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Guernsey, Noelle C.; Gupta, Garima; Hagen, Christina; Hagen, Christian A.; Hall, Madison B.; Hallerman, Eric; Hare, Kelly; Hart, Tom; Hartdegen, Ruston; Harvey Brown, Yvette; Hatfield, Richard; Hawke, Tahneal; Hermes, Claudia; Hitchmough, Rod; Hoffmann, Pablo Melo; Howarth, Charlie; Hudson, Michael A.; Hussain, Syed Ainul; Huveneers, Charlie; Jacques, Hélène; Jorgensen, Dennis; Katdare, Suyash; Katsis, Lydia K. D.; Kaul, Rahul; Kaunda Arara, Boaz; Keith Diagne, Lucy; Kraus, Daniel T.; Moreira de Lima, Thales; Lindeman, Ken; Linsky, Jean; Louis Jr., Edward; Loy, Anna; Lughadha, Eimear Nic; Mangel, Jeffrey C.; Marinari, Paul E.; Martin, Gabriel M.; Martinelli, Gustavo; McGowan, Philip J. K.; McInnes, Alistair; Barbosa Mendes, Eduardo Teles; Millard, Michael J.; Mirande, Claire; Money, Daniel; Monks, Joanne M; Morale, Carolina Laura; Mumu, Nazia Naoreen; Negrao, Raquel; Nguyen, Anh Ha; Hasan Nilo, Md. Nazmul; Norbury, Grant Leslie; Nordmeyer, Cale; Norris, Darren; O’Brien, Mark; Oda, Gabriela Akemi; Orsenigo, Simone; Outerbridge, Mark Evan; Pasachnik, Stesha; Pérez Jiménez, Juan Carlos; Pike, Charlotte; Pilkington, Fred; Plumb, Glenn; Quitete Portela, Rita de Cassia; Prohaska, Ana; Quintana, Manuel G.; Rakotondrasoa, Eddie Fanantenana; Ranglack, Dustin H.; Rankou, Hassan; Rawat, Ajay Prakash; Reardon, James Thomas; Lopes Rheingantz, Marcelo; Richter, Stephen C.; Rivers, Malin C.; Rogers, Luke Rollie; Da Rosa, Patricia; Rose, Paul; Royer, Emily; Ryan, Catherine; De Mitcheson, Yvonne J. Sadovy; Salmon, Lily; Salvador, Carlos Henrique; Samways, Michael J.; Sanjuan, Tatiana; Souza Dos Santos, Amanda; Sasaki, Hiroshi; Schutz, Emmanuel; Scott, Heather Ann; Scott, Robert Michael; Serena, Fabrizio; Sharma, Surya P.; Shuey, John A.; Silva, Carlos Julio Polo; Simaika, John P.; Smith, David R.; Spaet, Julia L.Y.; Sultana, Shanjida; Talukdar, Bibhab Kumar; Tatayah, Vikash; Thomas, Philip; Tringali, Angela; Trinh Dinh, Hoang; Tuboi, Chongpi; Usmani, Aftab Alam; Vasco Palacios, Aída M.; Vié, Jean Christophe; Virens, Jo; Walker, Alan; Wallace, Bryan; Waller, Lauren J.; Wang, Hongfeng; Wearn, Oliver R.; Van Weerd, Merlijn; Weigmann, Simon; Willcox, Daniel; Woinarski, John; Yong, Jean W. H.; Young, Stuart (Wiley, 2021)
      Recognizing the imperative to evaluate species recovery and conservation impact, in 2012 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for development of a “Green List of ...
    • The borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic ... 

      Chacón, Juliana; Luebert Bruron, Federico José; Hilger, Hartmut; Ovchinnikova, Svetlana; Selvi, Federico; Cecchi, Lorenzo; Guilliams, C. Matt; Hasenstab-Lehman, Kristen; Sutorý, Karel; Simpson, Michael; Weigend, Maximilian (International Association for Plant Taxonomy, 2016)
      Boraginaceae s.str. is a subcosmopolitan family of 1600 to 1700 species in around 90 genera, and recent phylogenetic studies indicate that the infrafamilial classification as currently used ...
    • The current status of liquid biofuels in Chile 

      García Mora, Alejandro; Carmona, R. J.; Lienqueo Contreras, María Elena; Salazar, O. (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2011-04)
      Chile depends on foreign sources for energy. A solution for this problem is needed to guarantee stability and economic development. Public policies have been proposed involving diversification ...
    • The effect of water availability on plastic responses and biomass allocation in early growth traits ... 

      Espinoza, S. E.; Magni Díaz, Carlos; Martínez Nahuel, Vania Angélica; M., Ivkovic (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2013)
      Aim of study: The aim of the study was to assess the effect of water availability on plastic responses and biomass allocation in early growth traits of Pinus radiata D. Don. Area of study: ...
    • The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas 

      Morbidelli, Renato; García Marín, Amanda Penélope; Al Mamun, Abdullah; Atiqur, Rahman Mohammad; Ayuso Muñoz, José Luis; Taouti, Mohamed Bachir; Baranowski, Piotr; Bellocchi, Gianni; Sanguesa Pool, Claudia; Bennett, Brett; Oyunmunkh, Byambaa; Bonaccorso, Brunella; Brocca, Luca; Caloiero, Tommaso; Caporali, Enrica; Caracciolo, Domenico; Casas Castillo, M. Carmen; Catalini, Carlos G.; Chettih, Mohamed; Chowdhury, A. F. M. Kamal; Chowdhury, Rezaul; Corradini, Corrado; Custo, Jeffrey; Dari, Jacopo; Diodato, Nazzareno; Doesken, Nolan; Dumitrescu, Alexandru; Estévez, Javier; Flammini, Alessia; Fowler, Hayley J.; Freni, Gabriele; Fusto, Francesco; García Barrón, Leoncio; Manea, Ancuta; Goenster Jordan, Sven; Hinson, Stuart; Kanecka Geszke, Ewa; Kar, Kanak Kanti; Kasperska Wolowicz, Wieslawa; Krabbi, Miina; Krzyszczak, Jaromir; Llabres Brustenga, Alba; Ledesma, José L. J.; Liu, Tie; Lompi, Marco; Marsico, Loredana; Mascaro, Giuseppe; Moramarco, Tommaso; Newman, Noah; Orzan, Alina; Pampaloni, Matteo; Pizarro Tapia, Roberto; Puentes Torres, Antonio; Rashid, Md Mamunur; Rodríguez Sola, Raúl; Sepúlveda Manzor, Juan; Siwek, Krzysztof; Sousa, Arturo; Timbadiya, P.; Vilcea, Marina Georgiana; Viterbo, Francesca; Yoo, Chulsang; Zeri, Marcelo; Zittis, Georgios; Saltalippi, Carla (Elsevier, 2020)
      Collected rainfall records by gauges lead to key forcings in most hydrological studies. Depending on sensor type and recording systems, such data are characterized by different time-resolutions ...
    • The influence of stocking levels, clone, fertilization, and weed control on surface CO2 efflux in a ... 

      KC, Mohan; Mason, Euan G.; Bown Intveen, Horacio Eduardo (Northeast Forestry Univ, China, 2021)
      Silvicultural practices applied in managed forest plantations may help counteract the effects of climate change by influencing soil surface CO2 efflux (Fs). Understanding the effects of ...
    • The large-scale effect of forest cover on long-term streamflow variations in mediterranean catchments ... 

      Pizarro Tapia, Roberto; Valdés Pineda, Rodrigo; Garcia Chevesich, Pablo; Ibáñez, Alfredo; Pino, Juan; Scott, David F.; Neary, Daniel G.; McCray, John E.; Castillo Soto, Miguel Eduardo; Ubilla, Patricio (MDPI, 2022)
      Forest ecosystems play an important role in hydrological processes as surface and subsurface runoff, as well as the storage of water at the catchment scale. Therefore, it is important to have ...
    • The physiological and growth response of Acacia caven under water stress and the application of different ... 

      Donoso Calderón, Sergio; Peña Rojas, Karen; Pacheco, Cristian; Durán, Sergio; Santelices Moya, Rómulo; Mascaró, Cristóbal (PUC, 2015)
      Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol. (Leguminosae), generally known as "espino," is one of the most common tree species in the Mediterranean region of Chile. This species grows in nutritionally poor soils ...
    • Toxicity and repellence of aqueous and ethanolic extracts from Schinus molle on elm leaf beetle ... 

      Huerta, Amanda; Chiffelle Gómez, Italo; Puga, Karla; Azúa, Fernando; Araya, Jaime E. (ELSEVIER, 2010-10)
      Extracts of leaves of Schinus molle Rev L. (Anacardiaceae) obtained with water or ethanol as solvents were evaluated in the laboratory for their insecticidal effect on adults of the elm leaf ...
    • Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there 

      Fazey, Ioan; Schapke, Niko; Caniglia, Guido; Hodgson, Anthony; Kendrick, Ian; Lyon, Christopher; Page, Glenn; Patterson, James; Riedy, Chris; Strasser, Tim; Verveen, Stephan; Adams, David; Goldstein, Bruce; Klaes, Matthias; Leicester, Graham; Linyard, Alison; McCurdy, Adrienne; Ryan, Paul; Sharpe, Bill; Silvestri, Giorgia; Abdurrahim, Ali Yansyah; Abson, David; Adetunji, Olufemi Samson; Aldunce Ide, Paulina; Álvarez Pereira, Carlos; Amparo, Jennifer Marie; Amundsen, Helene; Anderson, Lakin; Andersson, Lotta; Asquith, Michael; Augenstein, Karoline; Barrie, Jack; Bent, David; Bentz, Julia; Bergsten, Arvid; Berzonsky, Carol; Bina, Olivia; Blackstock, Kirsty; Boehnert, Joanna; Bradbury, Hilary; Brand, Christine; Bohme, Jessica; Bojer, Marianne Mille; Carmen, Esther; Charli Joseph, Lakshmi; Choudhury, Sarah; Chunhachoti-ananta, Supot; Cockburn, Jessica; Colvin, John; Connon, Irena L. C.; Cornforth, Rosalind; Cox, Robin S.; Cradock Henry, Nicholas; Cramer, Laura; Cremaschi, Almendra; Dannevig, Halvor; Day, Catherine T.; Hutchison, Cathel de Lima; de Vrieze, Anke; Desai, Vikas; Dolley, Jonathan; Duckett, Dominic; Durrant, Rachael Amy; Egermann, Markus; Adams, Emily; Fremantle, Chris; Fullwood Thomas, Jessica; Galafassi, Diego; Gobby, Jen; Golland, Ami; Gonzalez-Padron, Shiara Kirana; Gram-Hanssen, Irmelin; Grandin, Jakob; Grenni, Sara; Gunnell, Jade Lauren; Gusmao, Felipe; Grandin, Jakob; Grenni, Sara; Gunnell, Jade Lauren; Gusmao, Felipe; Hamann, Maike; Harding, Brian; Harper, Gavin; Hesselgren, Mia; Hestad, Dina; Heykoop, Cheryl Anne; Holmen, Johan; Holstead, Kirsty; Hoolohan, Claire; Horcea-Milcu, Andra-Ioana; Horlings, Lummina Geertruida; Howden, Stuart Mark; Howell, Rachel Angharad; Huque, Sarah Insia; Canedo, Mirna Liz Inturias; Iro, Chidinma Yvonne; Ives, Christopher D.; John, Beatrice; Joshi, Rajiv; Juarez Bourke, Sadhbh; Juma, Dauglas Wafula; Karlsen, Bea Cecilie; Kliem, Lea; Klaey, Andreas; Kuenkel, Petra; Kunze, Iris; Lam, David Patrick Michael; Lang, Daniel J.; Larkin, Alice; Light, Ann; Luederitz, Christopher; Luthe, Tobias; Maguire, Cathy; Mahecha-Groot, Ana-Maria; Malcolm, Jackie; Marshall, Fiona; Maru, Yiheyis; McLachlan, Carly; Mmbando, Peter; Mohapatra, Subhakanta; Moore, Michele-Lee; Moriggi, Angela; Morley Fletcher, Mark; Moser, Susanne; Mueller, Konstanze Marion; Mukute, Mutizwa; Muhlemeier, Susan; Naess, Lars Otto; Nieto Romero, Marta; Novo, Paula; O'Brien, Karen; O'Connell, Deborah Anne; O'Donnell, Kathleen; Olsson, Per; Pearson, Kelli Rose; Pereira, Laura; Petridis, Panos; Peukert, Daniela; Phear, Nicky; Pisters, Siri Renee; Polsky, Matt; Pound, Diana; Preiser, Rika; Rahman, Md. Sajidur; Reed, Mark S.; Revell, Philip; Rodríguez, Iokine; Rogers, Briony Cathryn; Rohr, Jascha; Rosenberg, Milda Nordbo; Ross, Helen; Russell, Shona; Ryan, Melanie; Saha, Probal; Schleicher, Katharina; Schneider, Flurina; Scoville Simonds, Morgan; Searle, Beverley; Sebhatu, Samuel Petros; Sesana, Elena; Silverman, Howard; Singh, Chandni; Sterling, Eleanor; Stewart, Sarah Jane; Tabara, J. David; Taylor, Douglas; Thornton, Philip; Tribaldos, Theresa Margarete; Tschakert, Petra; Uribe Calvo, Natalia; Waddell, Steve; Waddock, Sandra; van der Merwe, Liza; van Mierlo, Barbara; van Zwanenberg, Patrick; Velarde, Sandra Judith; Washbourne, Carla Leanne; Waylen, Kerry; Weiser, Annika; Wight, Ian; Williams, Stephen; Woods, Mel; Wolstenholme, Ruth; Wright, Ness; Wunder, Stefanie; Wyllie, Alastair; Young, Hannah R. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is ...
    • Tratamiento químico de acetilación en madera de pinus radiata 

      Garay Flühmann, Rosa; Henríquez, M. (2012)
      Al saturar la pared celular de la madera con anhídrido acético, se reemplazan los grupos hidroxilos libres de las macromoléculas celulosa y hemicelulosa. Con ello se logra rellenar los ...
    • Tree seedlings respond to both light and soil nutrients in a Patagonian evergreendeciduous forest 

      Promis Baeza, Álvaro; Allen, Robert B. (Public Library Science, 2017)
      Seedlings of co-occurring species vary in their response to resource availability and this has implications for the conservation and management of forests. Differential shade-tolerance is ...
    • Turismo de intereses especiales y parques nacionales. Compatibilidad entre turismo de intereses ... 

      Espinosa S., Alejandro; Llancaman M., Leonardo; Sandoval B., Héctor (Innovtur S.L., 2014)
      Resumen: Chile posee una naturaleza única y singular, la cual representa un atractivo importante para el desarrollo del Turismo de Intereses Especiales (TIE) basado en la naturaleza. Esta ...
    • Twelve year change in tree diversity and spatial segregation in the Mediterranean city of Santiago, Chile 

      Hernández Palma, Héctor; Villaseñor, Nélida R. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Tree diversity is one of the most important components of urban ecosystems, because it provides multiple ecological benefits and contributes to human well-being. However, the distribution of ...
    • Ultrasonic waves as a physical barrier for damage of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes ... 

      Bozo González, Alejandro; Araya, Jaime E.; Vargas, Yolanda; Tejer Sotelo, Bruno; Karsulovic Carrasco, José (2007-09)
      The behavior of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) when applying ultrasonic fields under three single frequencies (100, 500, and 1000 kHz), ...
    • Un llamado a la activación real de la Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Forestales 

      Salas Eljatib, Christian; Promis Baeza, Álvaro (Univ. Austral Chile, 2020)
      While the Chilean Society of Forest Sciences (SOCIFOR) was created by a group of forest-related institutions, its inactivity has wakened its progress. Here, we point out certain shortcomings ...
    • Urban ecosystem services in South America: a systematic review 

      Villaseñor Pérez, Nélida Rossi (MDPI, 2022)
      Nature within cities provides benefits for people known as urban ecosystem services. An assessment of urban ecosystem services is growing in South America, a biodiverse and highly urbanized ...
    • Urbanization Impacts on Mammals across Urban-Forest Edges and a Predictive Model of Edge Effects 

      Villaseñor, Nélida R.; Driscoll, Don A.; Escobar Cuadros, Martín A. H.; Gibbons, Philip; Lindenmayer, David B. (2014)
      With accelerating rates of urbanization worldwide, a better understanding of ecological processes at the wildland-urban interface is critical to conserve biodiversity. We explored the effects ...
    • Using hyperspectral plant traits linked to photosynthetic efficiency to assess N and P partition 

      Watt, Michael S.; Buddenbaum, Henning; Leonardo, Ellen Mae C.; Estarija, Honey Jane C.; Bown, Horacio E.; Gómez Gallego, Mireia; Hartley, Robin; Massam, Peter; Wright, Liam; Zarco Tejada, Pablo J. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Spatial prediction of photosynthesis requires an understanding of how foliage nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) regulate this process and the relationship between these elements and scalable ...