Browsing Universidad de Talca. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales by Title
Now showing items 46-65 of 419
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Biblioteca INFOR
Corresponds to the general collection of the INFOR´s Library with bibliographic material from different publishers and institutions.
It contains the research carried out by INFOR on various sectorial topics.
It contains the articles published in the institutional scientific journal since 1987.
Access to other institutional repositories in the forestry and agriculture topics.
Now showing items 46-65 of 419
The Chilean Forestry Institute´s digital library provides information on the forestry sector in Chile and the world. This library has over than 21.000 titles compiled from the decade of the 60 onwards. Numerous studies are part of this large bibliographic collection, being part of the INFOR and the Chilean forestry sector historical heritage.
We invite you to access forestry knowledge from this platform.
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