Browsing Recursos externos by Subject "Abundance"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Diffusive dispersal in a growing ungulate population: guanaco expansion beyond the limits of protected areas
(Springer, 2018)Growth of wild ungulate populations within protected areas can cause an expansion towards surrounding non-protected areas and lead to conflicts with human activities. The spatial and demographic ... -
Ensamble de coleópteros epigeos ribereños del Humedal de Batuco (Región Metropolitana, Chile)
(Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2021)El Humedal de Batuco (Región Metropolitana, Chile) se sitúa en uno de los sitios prioritarios de conservación de biodiversidad de la zona Central de Chile. Dada la escasa información acerca ... -
Forest canopy-cover composition and landscape influence on bryophyte communities in Nothofagus forests ...
(Public Library Science, 2020)Bryophytes (liverworts, mosses and hornworts) are one of the most diverse plant groups worldwide but one of the least studied in temperate forests from an ecological perspective. In comparison ...