Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Browsing evidence of the native and near-threatened Pudu puda deer in restoration plantings on Chiloé ...
(Universidad de Concepción, 2019)Few studies have focused on the actual extent and spatial patterns of browsing in relation to forest restoration, especially when browsing is done by deer with conservation status. Here, we ... -
Buscando alternativas para valorizar el bosque nativo
(2009)A continuación se entrega un estudio realizado por INFOR, donde se presenta una evaluación y comparación del crecimiento en vivero de plantas de Raulí inoculadas con Morchella sp. a cielo ... -
Decoupling seedling establishment in a shade-intolerant species of a Mediterranean climate: Soil ...
(Elsevier, 2024)In Mediterranean climates, drought is recognized as the main abiotic stress negatively affecting plant survival and growth after establishment. However, several factors besides water scarcity ... -
Development of 26-year-old mixed forests following different regeneration cutting treatments in Andean ...
(Elsevier, 2019)Tree regeneration following even-aged silvicultural methods in the evergreen forest type (EFT) has been scarcely studied in Chile, although this is the largest forest type in a region of highly ... -
La domesticación del maqui (Aristotelia chilensis): Un estudio de caso en Chile
(INFORColegio Ingenieros Forestales de Chile, 2019)Debido a sus grandes beneficios nutricionales la demanda por productos de maqui ha aumentado considerablemente en la última década. Como dato ilustrativo, un estudio apoyado por FIA indica que ... -
Douglas-fir Exhibits High Growth Performance and Survival in Southern Chile
(Oxford Academic, 2023)We evaluated the potential of 19 provenances of the coastal variety of Douglas-fir for commercial plantation development in Southern Chile. Seedlings from 668 families were planted in two ... -
Efecto de la concentración de fósforo y calcio sobre atributos morfo-fisiológicos y potencial de ...
(Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, 2020)El objetivo de este estudio es determinar el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de fósforo y calcio en la etapa de endurecimiento en vivero, sobre atributos morfológicos (longitud de tallo, ... -
Effect of Temperature on the Germination of Five Coastal Provenances of Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) ...
(MDPI, 2022)Temperature is one of the most important abiotic factors affecting seed germination, and it is strongly influenced by local site conditions. Seeds of Nothofagus glauca, an endemic and vulnerable ... -
Ensayo de germinación para semillas de Nothofagus alpina (P. et E.) oerst.
(2009)El trabajo se realizó con especies procedentes del área productora de semillas El Manzano", región de La Araucanía y permitió estudiar este tipo de plantas nativas de alto valor económico y ecológico" -
Examining physiological, water relations, and hydraulic vulnerability traits to determine anisohydric ...
(Frontiers, 2022)The search for drought tolerant species or cultivars is important to address water scarcity caused by climate change in Mediterranean regions. The anisohydric–isohydric behavior concept has ... -
Fall fertilization during nursery production increases nitrogen status of Purshia tridentata seedlings: ...
(Wiley, 2023)During container nursery production of Purshia tridentata (antelope bitterbrush), we found that three fall fertilization applications successfully loaded plants with nitrogen (N) with little ... -
Field Establishment Techniques for Guindo Santo, an Endemic Species from Central Chile
(2019)El rendimiento de plantación durante el primer año se midió en guindo santo (Eucryphia glutinosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Baill.), Una especie de árbol endémico de Chile en la zona climática mediterránea, ... -
Germinación de semillas y producción de plantas de Nothofagus leonii (Espinosa)
(2009)Huala es un árbol endémico de Chile, único en el mundo, es un híbrido natural que se desarrolla entre la cruza de dos especies Roble y Hualo -
Hillslope soil erosion and mobility in pine plantations and native deciduous forest in the coastal ...
(Wiley, 2021)Significant areas of Latin America, and especially of Chile, have been forested with forest plantations to provide timber and fiber and to decrease soil erosion after deforestation. Despite ... -
Hydroscapes: A useful metric for distinguishing Iso-/Anisohydric behavior in almond cultivars
(MDPI, 2021)As a consequence of climate change, water scarcity has increased the use of the iso-/anisohydric concept with the aim of identifying anisohydric or drought-tolerant genotypes. Recently, Meinzer ... -
Implicancias del uso de protecciones plásticas en el desempeño inicial de plantaciones de Nothofagus ...
(UDEC, 2022)Los cambios ambientales provocados por incendios en ecosistemas forestales pueden dificultar procesos de reforestación, ya que se necesita de cobertura que brinde protección lateral. Una ...